Roll Models 2 division times

Division start times are listed here . Thanks for being a part of our second tournament, any issues email us at [email protected] or shoot us a message on facebook. Weigh ins 9.30am-10.30am or weigh in up to 1 hour before your division. Any gi colour, no rip stop jackets… Venue= Horizon Academy, Turnhurst Rd, Stoke-on-Trent, … [Read more…]

Latest competitors list for Roll Models 2

With entry closing at 11:59 Wednesday 7th October, you can view the latest entrance list HERE Divisions with 2 competitors will be offered best of 3, divisions with 3 will use round robin. Absolutes free and open for all medalists. Masters divisions are subject to merging with normal divisions.If there is nobody at your weight … [Read more…]

Roll Models 2 first competitors list

With early entry closing our first competitors list can be found HERE. Entry closes next monday and is still just £26 for males and under £7 for females using the code “supportwomensbjj”. If there is no competitors in your division and you don’t want to move up come full registration close you will be offered … [Read more…]

Roll Models 2 October 10th

We are pleased to announce our second event will again take place at the Horizon Academy in Stoke on Trent. We received some fantastic feedback from our first event and plan to improve things further. Our tournament will again be open to White and Blue belt competitors featuring a modified Ibjjf ruleset and Super fights … [Read more…]

West Midlands Open Video

Thanks to the competitors, coaches and staff for the first Roll Models. We have had some great feedback and hope to see you all again.

Brackets released

A link to an electronically stored list of brackets can be found here . We are working on an easier version to use but in the mean time use the small + and – to access the areas. Brackets with two people in will be best of 3 if both competitors agree. Round Robin for … [Read more…]

Roll Models 5th July Schedule

Please find division schedules via this link Weigh ins 10-11:30am However you can also weigh in up to 30 minutes before your division start time. Absolutes for medalists only. Blue female absolute cancelled due to pull outs. Brackets to be released Friday.

West Midlands Open 5th July final competitors list

Please find the latest competitors list via this link. Some divisions altered due to numbers with masters being added to adult in places. Unfortunately due to multiple pullouts female Blue belt is combined to Under 64kg. Full Schedule to follow. No more refunds on pull outs since registration close. Transfers available. Thanks for the support, … [Read more…]

Valor Fightwear sponsor Roll Models

Roll Models are delighted to announce that our first event will be sponsored by respected BJJ brand Valor Fightwear. Valor have produced some exclusive event t-shirts for division winners and will also be at the event with a stand offering products at excellent prices. Please give them a visit via this link